Digital Scanning
Digital scanning is a modern digital technology that has replaced the traditional use of plaster in dentistry. This technology allows dentists to create 3D digital models of the patient's mouth and teeth. Digital scanning helps improve treatment processes by providing dentists with a more precise, fast and comfortable working environment.
The digital scanning process usually includes the following steps:
Using a Scanner: The digital scanning process is performed using a specially designed scanner or intraoral cameras. These scanners scan the teeth in the patient's mouth and create high-resolution digital images.
Creating a 3D Model: The digital images taken from the scanner are combined in a computer environment to create a 3D dental model. This model provides the dentist with a detailed image of the teeth, gums and surrounding tissues.
Treatment Planning: The digital scan results are used by the dentist for treatment planning. The dentist evaluates treatment options by better understanding the patient's oral structure and can offer a better treatment recommendation to the patient.
Common areas of use of digital scanning technology in dentistry include:
Restorative Dentistry:
Digital scanning allows precise measurements of teeth for restorative procedures such as fillings, porcelain veneers, crowns or bridges. In this way, more accurate and appropriate restorations can be made for the patient.
Prosthetic Dentistry:
Digital scanning provides detailed images of the teeth and gums for denture preparation. This ensures that the patient's dentures fit correctly and have a natural appearance.
3D images of the teeth and jaw structure are used during the patient's treatment process for orthodontic treatment planning. This helps to design orthodontic devices such as wires or clear plates more accurately and effectively.
Implant Treatment:
Digital scanning allows detailed examination of the jaw structure before and during implant treatment. This allows correct positioning of implants and increased treatment success.
The advantages of digital scanning technology are as follows:
Fast and Comfortable: It offers a faster and less uncomfortable procedure compared to traditional plaster use.
Less Irritation: It reduces discomfort such as gag reflex that may occur due to plaster use.
More Precise Measurements: 3D models obtained with digital scanning provide more precise measurements and more accurate treatment planning.
Easy Storage and Communication: Digital data can be easily stored, backed up and shared with other healthcare professionals.
Digital scanning technology plays an important role in improving the treatment processes of patients by providing dentists with the ability to provide higher quality treatment. With the use of this technology, faster, more accurate and more comfortable treatment options can be offered in dentistry.